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Reading Romans | How You Can Help

It has only been a few days since the launch of Reading Romans with Luther and I am overwhelmed by the incredible support that I’ve gotten in the launch. I am excited to know that there will be so many people, some for the first time, studying the book of Romans and the theology of Martin Luther as he taught the book of Romans. 

Luther’s works can be incredibly intimidating, yet in the midst of that intimidating work are beautiful Gospel treasures. And as I’ve prepared for the launch of this book and have interacted with so many of the people who have already been reading of it, I’m grateful that I’ve been able to be a small part of guiding people into the work of Luther. 

Here’s what one of the reviews on Amazon said about it: 

Martin Luther's commentary on Romans is a gospel treasure! And RJ has done a wonderful job making it more accessible to all of us. His selection and comments on Luther's work are very helpful and unfolding the message Luther wished to communicate - Christ, as our substitute and righteousness.

If you haven’t purchased Reading Romans with Luther yet, please make sure to get yourself (and all your friends, maybe?) a copy. Note: Amazon is currently out-of-stock, but you can also order from Concordia Publishing House and get them soon. 

How You Can Help

Leading up to the launch of this book, I have had an incredible team of early readers, friends, and family who have been passionate about spreading the word about this book. But now, I want to also make sure that you know how you can join in and help spread the word about Luther. 

1. Share readingromans.com with your friends so they can know about the book. Use whatever means you want, but please make sure people know about the book. 

2. As you read the book, use the hashtag #readingromans so that you can share what is resonating with you. 

3. As you are reading, engage the conversation around the hashtag #readingromans so that people are studying the book of Romans in a community instead of alone.

4. Take a selfie with your book once it arrives so that we know that you got it. This is partly promotional, but it's also just fun to see you getting your books!

5. Once you read the book, please post a review on Amazon. Reviews are very important to success on Amazon, so if you love the book, please add your review to the mix.