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Christ is Risen

[tentblogger-youtube -3L5SJyPpZk] Don't forget what this weekend is all about.  The crucified and risen Jesus.  Death doesn't win; Jesus does.



Erik Wahl

[tentblogger-vimeo 31112563] I've recently come across some of the work of Erik Wahl.  He is an artist, which doesn't say much considering he makes it his goal to make sure we realize that we are all artists.  More specifically he is a graffiti style artist and a speaker.  The way he mixes his painting presentations as a part of his business presentations is incredible, even in the short clips that are available on his website.  He also has a book coming out this summer called Unthink that I am making sure to keep on my radar. If you haven't heard of him yet, check him out.



Catalyst 2012 | Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek did a small session during Catalyst 2012 as he explored the idea what it means to use inspiration to lead people.  As leaders you can either manipulate people into following you, buying your product, or attending your event or you can inspire people.  Manipulation works; eventually, if you price a product low enough people will use it because it's cheap.  But manipulation does not breed loyalty or trust.  What if instead of manipulation we used inspiration?  Simon gave a similar talk at TED that I highly recommend watching to understand what he talked about.



Catalyst 2012 Notes

[tentblogger-vimeo 42787354]

For the last couple of years, I have had the opportunity to head to Atlanta, Georgia for the Catalyst Conference to learn from some of the best teachers, pastors, and communicators in the world of leadership. Each year I have been overwhelmed with the the things that I have learned and have enjoyed sharing some of the notes from the sessions. During the conference this post will serve as a table of contents for the notes that I take so check back often to see what notes I have for you to read.

Conference Notes

Session 1: Andy Stanley

Session 2: Patrick Lencioni

Session 3: Perry Noble

Session 8: Simon Sinek (Short Talk)



Survive Your Family - Week 3

We experience hurts feelings, divorce, and more. Families are made up of sinful people and because of that our families often hurt each other. As we continued our series, this week we focused on specifically being a Christian should influence our relationship with our siblings.



Avoiding the Idea Generation Trap

[tentblogger-vimeo 13399691] Over the past year I have found myself more and more interested in creativity and how being an artist influences my ministry whether it be through design, preaching, or simply the way I approach a problem.  As I've explored what some people might call being a "creative" type, I've spent some time on an incredible website called 99U.  If you are interested in idea generation, managing creative people, or executing ideas this website is invaluable.  I recently watched this video which I loved because I so often find myself jumping from idea to idea, which Scott Belsky speaks against in this clip.
